Arosha slimming bandage - Sakura Beauté & Bien Etre

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Arosha slimming bandage

For Women > Slimming programs
Express Slimming  Programme:

Results with the Arosha Express Slimming Programme should be seen after the first session. Beautyka offer the best express slimming bandage body wraps London has to offer.  The Arosha wraps use prepacked disposable bandages for optimum hygiene, with each bandage being carefully impregnated with quality ingredients that aids cellulite reduction, toning, moisturising and water retention. We have a variety of bandages on offer to meet the needs of our clients, this enables us to tailor a specific solution for you.

How does the Arosha Express Slimming Programme work?

Simply by the application of individually packaged impregnated bandage-style body wraps. Arosha treatment programmes all follow the same principles: Dry body brushing or the use of a body scrub to remove dead skin cells, stimulate microcirculation and improve the penetration of active ingredients. Application of ready to use bandages containing specific ingredients to target the skin problem. You will be wrapped in a plastic sheet, which prevents product evaporation and helps to raise the body temperature. The treatment concludes with the application of moisturisers designed to enhance the benefits of the treatment.

The Arosha Express Slimming Programme combats:

Adipose tissue, ’Orange peel’ skin, water retention, fibrous & oedema cellulite, dehydrated skin
poor skin tone
Arosha body treatment
(Cellulite, skin tone, dehydrated skin orwater retention..)

- Single treament
- Course of 10

Arosha treatment with pressotherapy
- Single treatment
- Course of 10

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